our Mission

they will conquer, who conquer themselves

In Texas, a significant percentage of our young people who spend time in the foster care system end up incarcerated before their 18th birthday and are at higher risk of clinical depression and suicide. These youth are particularly vulnerable and face unparalleled challenges, with few community services available to build their confidence and self-esteem. Enable Adventure proposes to intervene in the lives of this population and provide them with the opportunity to experience responsibility, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment. Through team-based sailing aboard the 41-foot ketch “Wilder Seas”, these at-risk youth will work with trained peer-mentors, a skilled skipper / certified instructor, and other experienced adults to learn to operate the boat with proficiency. Youth served will improve math, science, and executive functioning abilities while learning team-building, problem-solving, and building self-confidence. On completion of the team-based portion of the project, youth will be given the option to continue their sailing training on smaller boats where they will learn to sail independently, charting their own course on the water and in their lives.

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” - Louisa May Alcott

But youth in the foster program is only one group that can benefit from our program. Enable Adventure has been established to work with multiple youth organizations. We are already working with Scouts BSA and Sea Scouts, and are currently exploring starting pilot programs with Upbring, Lifeworks, Council on At-Risk Youth (CARY4Kids), Boys & Girls Clubs, Texas Network of Youth Services, and the Amala Foundation.

You can help us to allow youth to experience control and leadership. Being put in control of situations and given the opportunity to successfully lead their peers to an objective, youth that feel as they have limited control in their lives can feel empowered and broaden their outlook on life's possibilities.

You can help youth develop self-esteem and self-confidence. When given a challenge, which an outdoor adventure can provide, youth will learn to overcome their fears and will be given opportunities to build their confidence and develop their independence.

You can do this by simply becoming a sponsor of Enable Adventure.